Our team of experts can give you all kinds of Testing and commissioning of transformers . We can work all
across the voltage levels LV,MV,HV and EHV. We have our own advanced testing equipment to carry out
necessary testing of the transformer and to get the work done quickly
Testing Services – PGP Highlights
Offline Testing
- Dielectric Frequency Response Analysis (DFR)
- Sweep Frequency Response Analysis Measurement
- Capacitance and Tan Delta Measurement of Transformer
- Transformer Turns Ratio Measurement Ratio
- Magnetic Balance Measurement
- Excitation Current Measurement
- Winding Resistance Measurement
- Insulation Resistance and Polarization Index Measurement
- OTI and WTI Meter Calibration
- Functional Checking of Protection Devices like PRV, Buchoze Relay, MOG, OTI, WTI

Testing Services
PGP contracting provides comprehensive Branded Testing kits and Testing services as part of our Electrical and Maintenance services. Our test equipments are calibrated and certified by Authorized third party certifications bodies.
Sweep Frequency response Analaysis Testing

Doble ,usa M200
Insulation Testing

Conservator Installation
Calibration tests

Ametek, Jofra ITC155
Recovery Voltage Measurement

Haefely Hipronics 5462
Turns Ratio Test

Tettex 2796
Transformer Dew Point test

Vaisala Dm70
Primary injection test , Winding Resistance,& Tan delta

Omicron cpc 100 & TD1
Voltage/ current test

Humidity test

Vaisala Hm70